Alandra Hileman is a writer, gamer, photographer, editor,
and all-around nerd.
Photo by Entropy Anomie.
Alandra Hileman (a.k.a. LadyBedivere) is a writer, dramaturg, photographer, gamer, theatrical jane-of-all-trades, literary obsessive, podcast aficionado, recovering stage manager, editor, and semi-friendly curmudgeon living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Her plays include Spell Eternity, Mercy Killing; Queen of the Sword; Parallax Denigrate; Hiraeth; Cypress, Sin, and Care; Bedivere, or Eich Dyn, and a variety of one-acts and shorts. Her work has received readings and productions with the Awesome Theatre, The Loud & Unladylike Festival, The Breadbox, Quantum Dragon Theatre, the San Francisco Olympians’ Festival (VI: Wine Dark Sea & X: You’ve Got Gaul), and San Francisco State University. She is also a contributor to ShotzSF for Amios West. She has also worked in new play development and dramaturgy for SFSU’s Greenhouse Festival, Quantum Dragon Theatre’s Forge program, and for Awesome Theatre’s TERROR-RAMA projects. Many of her plays can be found on the New Play Exchange website (NPX).
Alandra is also long-time tabletop gamer who runs and plays campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons, Deadlands, Delta Green, and various other one-shot TTRPGs, as well as occasionally writing her own systems and modules. You can currently find her playing D&D and other TTRPGS with the Torpid Gaming Network on Tuesdays at 7pm PT (where she also produces all their podcasts), and playing D&D with Quests & Chaos, both on Saturdays in Rime of the Frostmaiden at 12pm PT and on Mondays in Swords & Sages at 7pm PT.
Alandra holds a double B.A. in Drama (Play Development and Dramaturgy) & English (Literature) and an M.F.A. in Playwriting, all from San Francisco State University. She specializes in yelling about vampire literature, Arthurian legends, Judeo-Christian/Greco-Roman/Celtic mythologies, and Lovecraftian horror on request, and talks about flavor-based multiclassing and other D&D/TTRPG storytelling on TikTok.
Visit her website at for sporadic project updates, and her Twitter @LadyBedivere for snark and absurdity.